Saturday, May 10, 2008

Silly Girl

My mom has been waiting for me to blog about this one...

Mom and Nate were here visiting on the way up to Wabash after a doctor's appointment. The other day, Katy was doing something that required a little discipline. I don't remember what it was, but I gave her a spanking. As she walked away from me, not crying, she turned around and said, "Good spanking, Momma."

I said, "Thank you."

My momma was shaking with silent laughter, bent over double in an effort not to let Katy see her laughing. :) It was a great family moment. Of course, Nathan (who has a little trouble keeping pace with some conversations) missed the whole thing.


Keetha Broyles said...

Ya gotta love those moments!!!

Romanava said...

Hmm, I think Katy and Ava need to get together. They seem to be two of a kind :)

Jaena said...

So hilarious! I love your stories; you tell them well. :)

Anonymous said...

How cute is Katy?!?!?! I can see a lot of both parents in her face. A very good blend of a beautiful mum and a handsome dad.

Deven said...

Awwwww. Thanks. You sure know how to make a girl blush. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the good wishes. Yeah, it was a tough decision to make. The hardest part was not so much deciding to let her cry, but being confident she was old enough to go through the rigors of sleep training. Four months is on the younger end of the spectrum, from what I've read, but things were pretty bad (she was waking every single hour, or less) so I do think this is for the best.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!

Ployer MOMO15N said...

I enjoyed very much these fifteen days in Barcelona. I met so many kind people of all around the world. I will ever remember the good time I spent in this great city. There are so many different architectures to see when walking in the streets. It’s wonderful!