1.) A few weeks after Caleb was born, I returned to a land I have not visited for some time -- Exercise Land. I signed up at our local Curves, looking for a place to do some strength training and cardio. (See how I even sound like I know what I'm talking about? Impressive, eh?) When I signed up, they asked all sorts of questions about what my goals were, what size clothes I'd like to wear, yada yada. I really just wanted to be healthy and toned enough to play with my kids. Weight loss was also on my mind, though, and in answer to that clothing size question, I just wanted to get out of maternity clothes. :) Easier said than done when my belly was stretched out to THIS...

2.) Nathan has been working really hard with his outpatient therapy. It's twice a week in Indianapolis, so that makes for a couple of long days. Last night, on the way back from Indy, Mom and Nate stopped in for a visit. Nathan said that he is now supposed to use the four-pronged cane more than his walker, especially around the house and out for short trips. It's all part of getting his mobility back. Go Uncle Nate!
3.) Caleb is also working on becoming more mobile. He's been rocking back and forth on his hands and knees for a couple of weeks now. He just hasn't quite learned how to put his engine in gear. He's cutting two more teeth, so we've had some fever going on.
4.) Katy is working on potty training. Actually, Stephen and I are working on remembering to potty train her. We'd like for her to be able to enter preschool next fall.
5.) I need to go do some more laundry. Have a great day!
Good for you!! I myself would like to lose about 25 pounds. I've been working out 4 times per week for a month now and have only lost about 4 pounds. I feel a lot stronger though!! Keep working!! It's hard. I usually don't get to exercise till the girls go to bed, so last night when they would not go down until 11:30 and 12:30 respectively, the exercising didn't happen!!
Ugh, seriously, just the thought of exercise makes me tired. Hmm...maybe that's a sign that I REALLY NEED TO EXERCISE!!! LOL. I'm proud of you though, not eating after 7pm takes serious willpower.
Hey, I tried the not eating after 7pm. It wasn't bad last night. I think I'm going to keep doing it and see what happens. I was surprised myself that Bobby wrote a post. It was a nice surprise though. Thanks!! You're amazing too. I don't know how you do everything you do and still remain sane. Maybe it's because you teach HS as well as MS. I think I'd be a little less stressed if I taught HS. :~)
I only want to eat a little something if Stephen's eating. Other than that, you're right -- it's not too bad.
I was just looking through your pictures - it's been forever since I've gone blog hopping! I just have to tell you that your husband looks so... NICE (he's nice looking, too, but I mean in a sweet way... but not tasty... although it sounds like he can cook... AHHH)! Anyway, that's a wonderful thing. Glad to see you all are doing well! :)
Way to go, Deven! I have to say that I have always thought that photo of you expecting was amazing - seriously! (I know, I'm a weirdo.) :o)
Yey, Deven! That's great! I'm sure you've read my diet and exercise struggles on my blog too. Keep motivated and don't lose focus! Seven pounds is AMAAAZING! Really! Imagine 7 blocks of butter- That's incredible and it IS significant! Each jouney begins with a single step- you'll get to your goal!
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