Tuesday -- I was almost ready for the stuff trip out to the car when, as I walked through the dining room, I saw a pile of some stuff on the floor. It was the kind of stuff that exits from a dog's hindquarters. Sigh. (Actually, this was more of a frustrated ARGH!) So I cleaned up the poop, made the stuff trip, made the kid trip, and went on my way. It was not the best way to continue the week.
Wednesday -- By the time Wednesday rolled around, I was beginning to be very pessimistic about the mornings. Stephen had taken Katrina and Savannah to school, so Megan and I were still in the house with the kids. She's the last student to leave the house, and she meets the bus at the bottom of the driveway. I knew we had hit another one of those mornings when she asked what time it was, I told her, and saw the bus pull up to and then leave the bottom of the driveway. Sigh. SO we ran around getting the kids dressed and ready a full 45 minutes earlier than usual. I could tell Megan felt so bad about causing the extra rush and trouble, so I tried not to be as frustrated outwardly as I felt inwardly. I dropped her off late to school and went on my way. The sitter was gracious and let us come a little early since we were already in the car.
Thursday -- This morning, nothing weird happened except for not being able to find the can of formula that was somewhere in the house. I think God might be taking it easy on me today since I was up late finishing a HUGE project for my masters classes. I've been working on that thing for a year and a half, and it's just now to it's final stage. At this point, I say, "GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!!!" All that remains for me to complete the program is tweaking that project, one required class, and two electives. Graduation is in sight!
You'll be done probably before I even start!!
Did you tell us, your faithful blog readers, that you were staying at Shawn and Jacquie's this week?
I don't think so. THAT'S how crazy this has all been.
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