Announcing Baby Joshua's arrival!
He got here yesterday evening (the 23rd) after working on busting out for about 11 hours. There were some tense moments for Momma as he experienced times of decelerated heart rate, but in the end everything was ok. He was a boy (which was not a surprise). He was 8 lbs. 13 oz. THAT was a surprise. Katy and Caleb were 8#5oz and 8#3oz, and that was after Caleb was a week late. We don't own very many newborn-sized clothes, and that's an especially good thing this time.
He's a great baby, and we're really excited to add him to our family. More to come soon...
Congrats!!! HE is a big boy and a cutie.
Hooray!!!!! I know it is a relief and exciting for this milestone to have been achieved!!!!
Happy BIRTH day, Joshua.
Congratulations again! He is such a cutie!
Congrats!! What a cutie!!
I'm finally just seeing this (been checking out facebook instead... didn't know if you had given up here)! He's beautiful, and so.... healthy (is that weird to say?)! He just has such bright eyes and good color... you don't see that in many "first pictures"!! Good work, Deven. ;)
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