I LOVE having kids this time of year. I am looking forward to helping my kiddos learn why we celebrate Christmas. We have a large tree up in the front room, and a tabletop tree in the kids room.
(LORD -- please protect my ornaments!!) It was quite the treat to decorate the tree with Katy because each ornament was new again, and it was as if each one was a present for her. We let them put up ornaments that are theirs, like the "Baby's First Christmas" etc. Each time I handed one to her, I got this huge response: "Thaaaaaaank you, Mommy! This is goooooooooooorgeous!" (Yeah -- she's only three.) So it's been super fun.
Caleb-boy has been adjusting well to life outside the crib. He usually wakes up with 10 books in his bed, body out from under the covers. He is normally a very light sleeper, but every once in a while he just doesn't wake up when I open the door. Here's a picture of how I found him the other day.

What a cutie!
Whew, saved from relegation to the "Forgot how to Fly" list!!!
Caleb is soooooo funny sleeping like that - - - and precious and cute too.
That is adorable! And you're brave! Colin is still doing quite fine in his crib and will continue to be that way until I absolutely having to put together the toddler bed. I'm not looking forward to putting him BACK to bed 5 times a night like I did with Alex.
Your Cbox went away.
I'm not finding this one as user friendly.
Keeps -- Your comment has been passed on to the web guru. Thanks. :)
Amy -- It was TOTALLY Stephen's idea. I thought it was a mistake and that we would pay for it, but Caleb's done really well. As an added bonus, he plays with books in the morning so he doesn't get us up as early. Before, he would just stand in his crib and yell, "muhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Not exciting. :)
Awww that picture of Caleb is adorable.
And your daughter cracks me up. Probably only your three-year old would say that an ornament is gorgeous. I mean that in a good way!
Love ya, miss ya!
I think I figured your new chat box out - - - - do you like that stunning photo of self I put on?
that picture is GORRRGEOUS!
So sweet. Guess I'll have to go to Facebook to see the program?
Deven - - - please pass along a big THANKS to your mom for leaving me a comment on my blog. I TRIED to return the favor, but though she has a google account, there was no blog listed there. :-(
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