My mom's birthday was this past weekend, but since Stephen and I were going to be at WMCR, we celebrated early at Applebee's. (Aside to Mom and Dad, but mostly Mom -- thank you for keeping the kids!!) The celebration was a bit...ahem...impromptu, so I went shopping with the kiddos moments beforehand. In the car, I asked Katy what she thought Mamaw would like for her present. This was her answer...
"Funny teeth!"

Katy had seen these in an earlier trip down the shopping aisle, and thought Mamaw would love some. Who could resist? So we purchased the Funny Teeth and wrapped them up as a gift from Katy and Caleb. Here are Poppy's Girls, modeling the merchandise. Whatcha think?
PS - We did get Mamaw a real present too, but, deep down inside, the Funny Teeth are her favorite. :)
I can't even BEGIN to tell you how disturbing that picture is!!!!!
You are cracking me up about my list!!! You've been on that one for a long, long, time, but you are just now noticing it????
Cheer up - - - at least you aren't in the "forgot how to fly" list.
Oh well - - - it got me a "shout out" in your post!!!!
I hadn't noticed because I read your posts from Google Reader, and it doesn't show the "extras" of a blog.
Ah - - - I KNEW there was SOME reason I didn't want to do that google reader thing!!! :-) I'm all about extras.
I saw you - - - at a distance - - - today!!
Hi Deven, Thank you so much for introducing yourself. I am having so much fun getting to know new people today. Not getting much work done... I can blog on one screen while "working" on another. Oh dear, I'm the queen of multi-tasking, but not necessarily of efficiency.
thanks for stopping by my blog today. love your site here and the teeth...very fun!
The funny teeth are awesome- I want funny teeth TOO!
Hey girl - - - I FOUND and BOUGHT the "perfect accessory needed for a tiny Colt's cheerleader"
If you need them BEFORE Monday - - - let me know.
And DON'T run out to Wally World to try to buy them yourself, I already HAVE them for you!!!!
I love them. I have a pair myself. I wore them in a post a while ago and my sons were humiliated. :)
I don't know what to say...I mean, I am seriously...uh...I don't know... :)
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