Today's my 28th birthday. It's been getting better as the day goes by. The PTO brought in some birthday cookies. Stephen brought in flowers, chocolate, and a cute card. Katy helped her daddy go out and get some birthday pizza.
My toes are now purple from the desk-dropping incident.
I left my car running for an hour last night while I was in church. I did, however, remember to bring in both children and both diaper bags. Smooth.
Stephen accidentally left his car in neutral, and it rolled out of our driveway and into the street, sitting there for who knows how long. It was there when I got home from school. I had to call him to come push it back in the driveway. Why not just start it up and drive it, you ask? Because I left my keys in the ignition one "click" forward for two days, thereby killing said automobile. Smoother.

IWU Homecoming was great!!! I wish Stephen had been here, but aside from missing him, it was great to see a lot of my friends from school. Here are some of the pictures.
Kristen, my roommate from freshman year, with Caleb

Amanda, holding Caleb, and Paula, holding Sarah. Caleb is totally checking her out.

The morning of Homecoming, I got out of the shower to see that Katy had completed her first wall mural. Great. The motto for punishment in the Swan house is "Do the crime, do the time." Here's Katy performing her clean up duty.

As if you expected your birthday to be simple :) Glad everyone survived and you have another year to try again! LOL. It was so good to see you at Homecoming! We must do this more often!
Happy belated birthday!
Hey I can almost see our old house (OK, maybe it is the garage) in the picture of Stephen's car...crazy.
I like random make me smile :) :)
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