I had asked my brother-in-law, the ob/gyn, to sneak a peak at our little Swan. To my delight, he said that tonight after church would work well. So after church we made our way to his office. Stephen was filming, and we were anxiously awaiting the "money shot." Upon his first glance in that area, Shawn whispered to us (because his girls were also in the room), "I think Katy's going to have a little sister." Honestly, I felt disappointed. We have been working to come up with girl names, but my heart hasn't been in it. I wanted a little boy for many reasons. First of all, I wanted at least one of each brand of human. :) Secondly, for both my dad and Stephen's, I wanted a grandson in the area. Thirdly, I couldn't feel settled about a girl's name. Sigh.
So Shawn continued on with the ultrasound. Since he wasn't completely sure about the look that he got the first time, he went in for another look. This time we got a "Well, I'm not too sure now." On we went to other measurements. On the third sweep of the area, we ended up at "Boy. Definitely boy." And you can see for yourself. (Underage readers, stop at picture one.) I would like you to meet Caleb Wesley Swan, due to arrive on or about April 21, 2007.

Congrats! Yeah, I would say that is a pretty good picture and can be fairly confident in it being a boy! I am very excited for you!
We are hoping for a boy too...so we shall see. Too bad I don't have a family member that can sneak me in, because the whole "twins scare" is driving me CRAZY! I am hoping your brother-in-law will schedule the ultrasound when I go in on the 27th...that way I can have a date at least.
Hope you have a GREAT Thanksgiving!!!
Congrats again! You'll love having a boy. They are so easy. We have another month to go before we find out. Ughh! I hate waiting.
Yeah! Boys are the best! I love how obvious he made it for you guys. David was the same way. I had six ultrasounds and every single timehe made it so obvious.
His due date is one day after my birthday. Maybe I'll get a special birthday present :) I'm sure you wouldn't mind going one day early.
Little boys are soooooooo much fun!!!!! YEAH!!!! How does big sister feel about all of this?
Katy's too young to realize that there is any other baby besides herself. :) She is really interested in other babies that we see, such as at church, and has been gentle with them so far. --crosses fingers-- I hope our luck holds out!
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