Monday, January 31, 2011

Scratch 'n' Sniff Has a Whole New Meaning

Conversation I just had with Caleb upon opening a new package of Toy Story 3 underwear.

C: We have to smell it.
Me: No, you don't have to smell underwear before you wear it.
C: But there's food on it.
Me: (After looking at the other side of the package and seeing the logo) No, that's Fruit of the Loom. Those are the people who made it. It's not scratch 'n' sniff underwear.
C: But I'm going to smell it.
Me: OK.

1 comment:

Keetha Broyles said...

Ah ha, HERE's this cute little story!

(This message was sent from my lappy in the Comfort Suites right here in Marion!)