I received two shocks to my system today, one major and one minor, and I couldn't resist blogging about them before going to bed.
#1 - MAJOR SHOCK - As the elder female of the house, it is my God-given right to get the mail each day. My mother informed me of this right when I would get frustrated because SHE always got the mail. Much to my chagrin, my husband does not recognize this right. TRIPLE UGH!! So during the summer I make an extra effort to get the mail whenever possible. Today was one of my victorious days. I flipped through the envelopes and noticed what I knew to be a check from IWU that was made out to me. Now that's odd, seeing as how I don't work there, but..... whatever. I'm nothing if not flexible. To my shock, I saw a check made out for this amount:

Uh, yeah. That's 20,602.30. But before all of my fake relatives come out of the woodwork, it's meant to be handed over to someone else. That's right. All you blood-suckers can just unpack your suitcases, because we still live in the poorhouse. :) I just had to take a picture because you KNOW that's not going to happen again.
Anyway, on to Shock #2, AKA minor - Stephen needed to sneak into the kids' room after they were asleep to retrieve the Pack 'N' Play from underneath the crib. He came out bent over double with silent laughter. "Why," you ask, "was he laughing?" Because of this:

Crib? $25
Toddler bed? $50
Finding your kids asleep in the same bed? Priceless.
Oh for MORE shocks like the first one AND the second one.
That is awesome! Definitely a pic to take out and look at when you've had a rough day!!!! Guaranteed to remind us how lucky we are to blessed with beautiful and healthy children! Enjoy your vacation!
How cute! Every morning, David climbs into Grace's crib and hangs out with her. It is so sweet!
awww, makes me want to have another...maybe :)
I have to know what's up with the money.
I must say that those are the most adorable grandchildren in all the world! We are blessed!
Wes and Pam
You are bound to have the best karma in the WORLD because you did the right thing and turned that check in! Wow, that was a TOTAL screw up on someone's part! I run huge checks and wire millions of dollars every day, and I double, triple, QUADRUPLE check because I'm so paranoid that this would happen and I'd send money to the WRONG person and they'd TAKE it!
Wow that check story is quite crazy I must say!!
So what happened to the check? Wow. haha. That picture is so cute!
No fake relatives, but what about extended relatives??
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