We had a great time celebrating America over the last two days. Stephen got a kick out of the fireworks celebrations at the Wolfes' house on the 3rd, running around like the crazy pyromaniac he is. Unfortunately, despite our new status as charged-camera-possessors, I forgot to bring it along and didn't get pictures of anything.

Yesterday, we spent time with Mom, Dad, and Nathan at Marion's Independence Day/First Friday combo festival. We ate good fair-type food, and Katy got the chance for a pony ride, which happened to be guided by a Lakeview student! Thanks for the extra time around the circle, Grace!
I believe the horse's name was Isaiah.

Dad was prepared in case of rain. Mom doubted that the chair case would fit over that big Cole head (HEY!), but her mockery was unjustified. It did not rain, nor did he have size issues. The Marion fireworks show was great! I love how they have come up with all these shapes for the fireworks to portray. I told Dad that someday, I'm looking forward to an American flag one. Thanks for spending the day with us, Wabash Family! And thank you to Stephen, who graciously agreed to miss out on the show to take the kids home. I love you!
I've never gone to one of the First Friday events - - - I think they look fun, but hubby won't even let me DRAG him there kicking and screaming.
So cool you saw Grace there.
Do tell about the hair do story - - - - I'm dying to hear.
Wait a minute - - - wait JUST A DING DONG MINUTE - - - I see "Ben James" in your birthday list - - - is that Ben James, Mark James' son???? You know - - - the one with definite South Carolina roots???? If so - - - how in the world is he hooked up with YOUR BLOG???????????? Do tell THAT too.
Hair -- I usually do not have a firm idea of what I want done when I go to get my hair cut. I also do not have a regular stylist. It's because I don't get my hair done often. In fact, the breaks we get at school directly coincide with my haircuts and dentist appointments. So this time I walked in to JCP in the mall. I asked if anyone had room, got a stylist, and sat down. My stylist happened and I discussed what I wanted (shoulder length and layers). Beyond that, I left it in her hands. It ended up shorter than my shoulder, especially if I don't straighten it, but that's not a problem since I don't get it cut often. The only big issues were that (1) it requires a flat iron to do what she did and (2) people saw me on salon day, thus raising their expectations of my hair. Not a good expectation of me to have raised.
Ben -- Ben is my cousin, and Mark is my uncle. Mark married my dad's sister Anna. How do you know them?
Oooops - - - I should have read more comments BEFORE I wrote the comment under my own "private" post!!!!
I did not KNOW Anna was your dad's sister. Oh My - - - - what a teeny tiny world in which we live!!!!
Well, FIRST - - - Greg and I went to CWC (which is now SWU) with Paul and Susan AND Mark and Anna - - - so there's our FIRST connection. Mark's dad was the DS of South Carolina at the time I believe - - - he was at LEAST a pastor there.
Then, Mark and Anna pastored at Trinity in Indianapolis, and my sister and her family attend there - - - so we saw them with some regularity during that time.
One summer when Korie was between either 6th and 7th or 7th and 8th grade, I sent to South Carolina to the Wesleyan camp at Table Rock and was the children's "evangelist" during Family Camp. Ben was down there for the week with his grandparents. So - - - we connected quite a bit then since we already knew each other from before.
Turns out Ben needed a ride home, so he rode home to Indy with Korie, Kyle, and myself. Ben and Korie connected a bit over their mutual love of music - - - - though Ben is several years older than Korie. He used to always find her at the Area TNT competitions and listen to her perform.
So - - - - that's pretty much my connection to Ben.
Wow. What a small Wesleyan world...
Very small indeed!!!
And just look at this - - - with this little conversation we have now made your comment total on this post 8!!!!
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