The title of this post is a quote from my all-time favorite movie musical, State Fair. And while it's not quite time for the State Fair, it IS time for the county fair. I was slightly surprised at the timing of this year's fair. Every year that I have lived in Marion (almost 10 if you count college), the county fair was the same week as my church's district campmeeting. Being raised as well I was (thanks, Momma and Daddy), I know that church comes first. This year, for some reason, they are different! Yippee!! The kids and I have actually been to the fair twice now, since Stephen could only go on Monday, and my parents could only go on Tuesday. When we go, I like to see all the crafts and livestock submitted by kids I know either from church or school, and some from kids of people who work at IWU with Stephen. Here are some of the pictures from Tuesday...

Katy getting a good look at a goat

Katy investigates a pig. (She snuck up on this one, and when it turned around, she quickly backed away. Smart girl.) :)

Here is Katy almost getting brave enough to pet the calf. Most times we would ask her if she wanted to touch it, she would lean forward, and then back away, saying, "Noooo.....hee hee hee!" It was almost as if the laugh was saying, "Silly! Why would I want to touch

Caleb had obviously had enough excitement to last him for months... By the way, on Friday he was up to 9 pounds, 9.9 ounces. (YESSSS!!)

Mom & Katy with Caleb & me, strolling around the fairgrounds. I don't know about the rest of my group, but I had a great time.
Looks like you had a lot of fun!!
By the way, I am really proud of you for trying so hard with the nursing and Caleb. If Bekah had been a bad nurser, I don't know if I would even have tried with Sarah. I might have started off pumping. (Right now I am watching the GG where they pack picnic baskets for people to bid on for charity!!)
Cute! I'm so glad Caleb is gaining weight! He looks great. I think I agree with Katy about touching the girl!
Wow- - - looks like fun!!! ALMOST makes me want to go to a fair!!!
I have a "fair date" story - - - but that's for another time :-)
Little Caleb is filling out so nicely!!! He is adorable, and of course Katy continues to remain so too!!!
Luv ya!!! Will I see you Saturday evening at 6?
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