IWU Christmas Party

Christmas at Our House
Our life philosophy - why bother wrapping? Especially if you're wrapping presents within 5 seconds of their opening. So Stephen and I presented Katy with her gifts first, enclosed in what is nominally a gift to her, but is really for us. Her new toy chest -- our key to a clutterless living room (HA!) -- contained the biggest hit of the season: the Elmo chair. In fact, she liked it so much when we tested it out in the store that she honored it with a new word in her vocabulary, "Eh-mo." Awwwww.


We are out visiting not only because we love Scott and Jodi, but because they are celebrating the birth of the currently named Deacon Pierce Swan. It must be told that this little guy is cute as a button, just like his brothers and sister.
Katy is having a great time playing with other kids, after one day of what I shall kindly call "adjustment time." In all fairness, she had taken a 12-hour car trip and was very tired. But now she's having a great time. She's always liked other kids, and this house has more kids than most. This bunch has been very nice to her, letting her play with their toys and read their books. Here are some cousin shots and from our time so far.

Katy is having a great time playing with other kids, after one day of what I shall kindly call "adjustment time." In all fairness, she had taken a 12-hour car trip and was very tired. But now she's having a great time. She's always liked other kids, and this house has more kids than most. This bunch has been very nice to her, letting her play with their toys and read their books. Here are some cousin shots and from our time so far.

Love the pic of Katy and Santa this year. Funny.
Great pictures comparing the two years...we didn't even try to take Titus to see Santa this year because of that very reason...maybe we should have - just for picture sake! :)
Have a great rest of your break!!
One of mine was that terrified of Santa too - - - - can't remember for sure which one, maybe Kyle???
Fun pictures
Don't know how often you 'check' my blog - - - but hope you see my invite and KNOW it includes you!!! :-)
I haven't been able to check your blog for awhile because it wouldn't link. :( Looks like you had a good time at Scott and Jody's. I can totally relate to the stitching episode - we've had glue on the forehead and lots of chest x-rays where Daniel was strapped down. Yuck. Hope all is well!
Deven - - - have you gotten the news about Marcia Woodard's parents?
Her father was killed in a car accident this morning - - - mother airlifted to a major hospital (Detroit I believe) They, Woodards, returned to MI today.
I only actually "slept in" (what OTHER people would call sleeping in) a couple of times - - - but hey, getting up at 6:30 or 7 is a real TREAT for me!!!!
I even read a couple of books - - - and you KNOW I blogged - - -
Ahhhhhhhhh the satisfaction!!!
Awesome pictures! Wouldn't you figure, the year that I actually attend the big Cole Christmas, you aren't there!!
We had fun....
Good to hear from you through your updates!
God bless you and your little family!
Love these. She is getting BIG. So, so, so cute. Now, Ms. Spanish teacher, yes, you may use my Spanish faux pas. Mea Culpa! (That would be Latin for "I cain't talk Spanisho.") Please see my response to you on my site!
Yeah!! Pictures of Katy!! Now, can we see pictures of your belly? I want to see if yours is bigger than mine. Probably not!!
Hey, it is Matt and Carin Hines, they are great! They have a blog but are ticked at it right now, it keeps messing up....so it may be just those few posts, she has had fits getting blogger to work out.
Check this out to see the way major cutie boys! www.hinesx4.blogspot.com
Talk to you soon!:)
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