We're in the midst of the most wonderful time of the year! It's birthday season. We have Mom's on Sept. 20, Katy on the 28th, me on Oct. 11, and Nathan's on the 16th. I, as a matter of habit, enjoy counting down the time until my birthday. Hopefully I will be able to teach Katy the same thing. We're looking forward to celebrating her first birthday! We turned her carseat around today, so now she's able to see where we're going instead of where we've been. She seemed to enjoy it.
I LOVE the birthday countdown. Nothing like it.
I found my Delia's super girls CD, by the way. Good times. I need to get a microphone to carry with me just in case I need to break someone's face now.
Ah Ha - - - - the old "car seat milestone."
I hope I remember to say it closer to the time - - - but just in case, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
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