Well almost. I actually had two beginnings to this tale and couldn't make up my mind which to include, so I get to put them both in. Thus...
I have a wonderful way to wake up. We purchased a CD/Radio/Alarm Clock some time ago. I have found that the soft noises of the cd spinning up will often make me wake up. If not, then a soft melody will wind its way into my head for five minutes. The songs that follow get progressively louder and stronger in beat. It is rare that I make it past the first few seconds of the second song before it rouses me to turn it off. This is about as pleasant as I can get things unless I get to just wake up on my own. Deven, however, uses the alarm. It at least does start softly and slowly gets to a racous noise. I usually can ignore this since my mind knows it is not my alarm. With Deven gone and the first beginning to the story, you can see where this is going...almost. -- Well on with the story...
Deven's alarm goes off at 6:00. I quickly lurch out of bed and shut the, by this time, racous noise off. My alarm is set for 6:30. However, at 6:27 I hear a wolf dog descending upon the house with a howl to wake the dead. It does and I leap out of bed, throw the door open and bark, "BUNKER!!!". At this same moment, I hear an answering call to the wolf's adopted family member, "WAAAA, WAAA, WAAA!!!". After threatening the dog to keep quiet, I try to make up a bottle. Pleasantly, I realize that the baby has managed to go back to sleep. I proceed to get myself ready as quickly as possible know that she will not stay that way. Sure enough, she awakes again at 7:00. I retrieve my poor sleepy baby and attempt to feed her some peaches. After eating a couple, she proceeds to put her bottle of milk to her mouth and begins to cry. I notice that the cold milk is streaming out the cap, down her arm onto her leg. I hurrily pick her up and change her and notice it is time to go. I make up a second bottle for the road; and we make our way to the car. I manage to bump her head on the car on the way in but give her a bottle to settle her down. A little down the road, I notice that this bottle also had started to spring a leak sending more cold milk down her chin onto her poor little body. This was once again a time to cry over spilled milk.
It's nice to know I'm not the only one with a loud dog who wakes up the baby! I can TOTALLY relate!
Dads try so hard! One time I had the flu and George was making chicken soup for me, which was a sweet gesture, but since he was also tending the baby (who is now 20)he was awkwardly trying to multi-task and spilled chicken blood from the package on my beautiful pristine baby. I was so upset--she looked the victim of Hindu curse! Moral of story: milk is better than blood.
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