When I was little, we didn't have cell phones. I know that is not a profound statement; but the world really has changed. After the advent of cell phones, their usage has gradually spread to the younger crowd. First parents would lend their phone to their teenager. Then the said teenager would acquire their own as they begin driving. Recently, cell phone companies have come out with phones especially made for little kids that have two buttons or so for emergency calling only. Pretty neat idea, but Deven and I have them beat.
Katy woke up with loud cry while I was away in taekwondo, so Deven went in to console her. Deven had just finished taking a call and so placed her phone in the crib so that she could pick up Katy easily. In all the hubub, she managed to leave the phone where it laid - apparently all evening. The evening went well until the usual bedtime event which Katy has decided is her least favorite part of the day along with naps. She definately gets that from her mother along with the rest of her bad habits :) Katy immediately begins to cry and whimper in protest but I turn on her music and she seems content for a while. After I exit the room, she proceeded to jabber in her own way for the next 20 minutes after which she decides to escalate into full fledged crying. The dutiful father that I am, I go to check on her.... I see a strange blue light coming from the corner of the crib and can't imagine what it is. I look closer and find that Katy is leaning forward with her face on the phone and the light brightly shining in her eyes. I quickly get her up, console her and take the phone back to Deven. Ahh, this is where the fun begins.
We discover that she has managed to call each of our respective parents. After some consultation with each party, we discover that she most likely called my parents first who "heard some baby noises in the background" but quickly hung up as no one spoke. Katy must have learned quickly and pressed another button to call Deven's parents. This time she laid her head on the phone and apparently talked with each of them for some time before the became suspicious when neither of us retrieved the phone. They tried to call both our cell phones. However, mine was in the car and Deven's in the crib. It was probably around this time that Katy began to be upset since she obviously didn't know which button to press to answer. - We'll work on that for next time :)
That is hilarious!
You guys should send this to Reader's Digest. If they buy it, you could put back the tidy little sum of money for Katy's college tuition. Or maybe even more expensive, her first prom dress. Linda Crow
Hillarious Stephen!!
that is really funny! When we bought out new cell phones, the salesperson gave David is own phone. It is one of the display phones, so it doesn't have any working parts, but he loves it.
Love this story
That is amazing!!! So cute! :)
Too funny :)
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